Cathleen Crobons

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Sweet Potato Buddha Bowl with Pineapple and Lime Marinated Steak

This bowl combines all the flavors and smells of summer. A nice grilled steak, juicy pineapple, roasted veggies and a creamy lime cashew sauce that’s out of this world delicious!

You’ll probably notice that my sweet potatoes look a little different…Well that’s because they are. I love purple sweet potatoes! Purple sweet potatoes contain antioxidants that are good for your heart, digestion, cognitive function, and liver health. 

They are also lower on the glycemic index, therefore won’t spike your blood sugar.

The night I made this meal, I was craving steak! I also love Buddha bowls (which is really just a fancy name given for food you combine together in a bowl).

Usually when making a Buddha bowl, I just see what veggies I have in my fridge and roast them up. The greens you can just toss on the stove for a couple minutes until they’re sautéed. This helps soften the outside fibers of the food to improve proper digestion, which we can all appreciate!

When is the last time you enjoyed grilled pineapple? Well if you haven’t done it lately, take this as your sign. The flavor is pretty amazing!

Now just throw it all together in your bowl. Drizzle that super yummy cilantro lime crema on top and dig in!

Many Hugs,


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